费雪Fisher-Price Rainforest Deluxe Gym 热带雨林声光豪华活动垫$44.96
活动垫以音乐、灯光、自然的声音、游戏和质地刺激成长期的婴儿。成人可激活20分钟的音乐;婴儿模式8至12秒的声光。地垫有丝质包边,撑杆色彩缤纷。内含摇铃、旋转蝴蝶、镜子、树叶,可以和宝宝在这里玩躲猫猫。所有的玩具都可以移动位置。面积为50cm X 81cm X81cm.以下是来自亚马逊用户的评价:My daughter loves this product. At first she laid there and looked at the lights and the she started hitting the toys, which eventually turned into grabbing them. Now at three months she is turning ove on her side to get to the toys better, she is almost turning over.(我女儿很爱这个玩具。最初她只是躺在那儿看着灯光,然后她开始试着打那些玩具,接着她试着抓住玩具。现在她三个月了,她开始试着翻着抓玩具,她几乎能翻过身了。) 点击这里